Book titled LAW with gavel and gavel rest or gavel and sound block on top
The work is by Rifqi Jamil, probably copyright Rifqi Jamil (see <>, as accessed ), and titled Law3.jpg and before and after its adaptation by me is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license (<>, as accessed (summarized at <>, as accessed )) without any expressed or implied connection with, sponsorship by, or endorsement by the original author, licensor, and/or any attribution party of me or my use of the work. The adaptation is solely by rescaling, adding a frame, and reformatting to GIMP 2.8.16 software’s native format and then to the JPG file format (all using the software’s default settings in general and without its default comment) of the original work.
Image including of prominent banana peels
The original work is by Gordon, is titled Jack Nicholson Banana Peel 2, was copied from <>, as accessed , which Web page stated "Some rights reserved", was used in my derivative work in which my derivation was by scaling, cropping on the left side and the top, editing of the background on the left side, adding a frame, and reformatting to GIMP 2.8.16 software’s native format and then to the JPG file format (all using the software’s default settings in general and without its default comment) and by renaming to Jack-Nicholson-Banana-Peel-2.jpg, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license (<>, as accessed (summarized at <>, as accessed , giving the title of the license as Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0))). I know almost nothing about Jack Nicholson and do not think I have ever seen a performance by him. Jack Nicholson may not have endorsed this image, has not endorsed this use of this image, and has not endorsed this website or any portion thereof or me and we have no affiliation with each other.